Sunday, 28 September 2008

Newest Mazal Tov

First of all, thanx to Yudit for adding me....
Now, Mazal Tov to my roommate-Gitty Klein (Toronto) on her engagement to Shneur Meuller from Lakewood!!!
The first APT 4 Mazal Tov-so mazal tov to the whole moshav...looking forward to seeing you all at the chasuna!
IYH by all of us-bkarov!!!
Miss you all tonz! Ksivah Vchasimah Tovah to all, a gut gebentched yahr....Everyone remember to be mochel each other--(don't worry, of course I forgive everyone!)
Taf Shin Samach Tes = Tihei Shnas Siman Tov!!!

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